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About Dr. Pope

Dr. Pope got his start by attending the University of Kansas, where he graduated with dual-graduate degrees and honors. He then went on to obtain his medical degree from the KU School of Medicine. This led him to receive extensive training in his residency from the Via Christi Family Medicine which has made a difference in his career today.

He is board-certified in Family Medicine and also participates as a member of the Kansas Academy of Family Physicians. As a trusted medical provider in the Manhattan community, he opened his own Direct Primary Care Practice in 2017.

What sets Dr. Pope apart from many providers in today’s world is the way he combines modern evidence-based medicine with a personal, old-fashioned touch. He cares about offering better access to care through low costs with discounted meds, imaging, and labs. But most of all, Dr. Pope cares about providing the type of healthcare that helps patients know that they matter and in achieving the best overall outcomes.

Dr. Pope and his wife Katherine, also in the medical field, are busy raising five children, chickens, and dogs on a ranch. He spends plenty of quality time with his family and on his hobbies ranging from golf and the outdoors to landscaping and carpentry. He may be busy in his personal life and as a physician, but where there is a will, there is a way. Dr. Pope is continually working to find innovative ways to improve the lives of his patients.

He’s been a leading physician in the clinical use of regenerative medicine for over a decade, treating thousands of patients. His interest in regenerative cell therapy and passion to help his clinic’s patients led Dr. Pope to create BlueFire Supplements. His supplements were designed to help patients with various illnesses, ranging from autoimmune diseases to neurodegenerative disorders, arthritis, pain, and more.

​Dr. Pope received plenty of feedback from patients and spent time perfecting the best formulations. Seeing just how beneficial these supplements were, Dr. Pope wanted to make them available to more people. So he decided that these one-of-a-kind products belong on the market. Thanks to his dedication to his craft plus his commitment to caring and innovative healthcare, BlueFire Supplements are making a difference to those who use them!